Sunday, July 25, 2004

The Sag...

Mike is coming early tomorrow to install the braces in the basement and (possibly) put the beam in the front room. If not Monday, then Tuesday. With this impending change, we felt it important to document the extent of the soon-to-be inexistent sag:

Here’s the sag from below. This is the ceiling of the front, living room. You can kind of get a sense of just how much it sags.

Here’s the sag from above. Look a the hardwood seams, and you can see the curve.

This is the radiator that stands on the outside (foundational) wall. The red line is close to vertical. The blue line is parallel to the radiator. See what a sag can do?

The roof line in the upstairs bed room.

The doorway to our bedroom is where the sag is the most noticable. The blue lines are pretty much level. The red lines mark the slope.

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