Monday, April 19, 2004

Closing fast approaching!

With the closing date just one week away, we’re still waiting on the termite inspection. We spoke to Jack (the tree guy) the other day, and unfortunately, the maple tree closest to the house will have to come down. While we’re disappointed to lose one of the three trees on our property, it will open up the garden to a bit of direct sunlight.

We went to the Missouri botanical garden over the weekend to get some ideas about how to plant a Victorian garden. Their English Woodland Garden is packed with shade-loving English flowers that are just perfect for the backyard. As we were walking through the Victorian gardens, it occurred to me that my image of the ‘perfect’ English garden is entirely formed by reading ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Not a bad theme for a garden, to be honest.

On the house front, Pat will be letting Mike (the builder) into the house on Wednesday to poke around the basement. We’re a bit worried about this one.

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