Monday, November 21, 2005

As the picture says:

Actually, I've had these for a while, but I don't like people to see them. But, as my fans will remember, I'm quite the ham. So, whenever there is a camera around, well, inhibitions are just a thing of the past.

On that note, last night, I discovered a fascinating new skill that drives my parents insane! As it turns out, when you have teeth, you can grind them together! Who knew? Hours of entertainment right there in your mouth! Amazing.
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Sunday, November 20, 2005

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Dilemma

Oh! Oh! I want so badly to climb into this bath, but I'm also a total ham and can't bear not posing for that camera! What to do? What to do? Oh me oh my!
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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The little cannibal

Did I mention that Declan was teething?

In all honesty, here he is blowing raspberries while simultaneously biting - and did you notice that he has to get a tight hold to make it all work? Posted by Picasa


(with a big shout-out to the McKenna Family for the attire)
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