Saturday, April 30, 2005

Dex sound asleep after a long day of hangin' out with PJ, Emmy and Harry. Posted by Hello

PJ and Joe playing with puzzles. Posted by Hello

See, in this one, he's only slightly upset. Posted by Hello

Emmy (the flowergirl from our wedding) holding Dex. And no, he's not really that upset. Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 28, 2005

This is actually a few weeks old, but never made it to the page. Sorry about the burriness. Posted by Hello

Our friend Faith drying Dex off after a nice bath... Posted by Hello

Testing blogger bot from home. Posted by Hello

Test Email Post

This is a test of the email->blog gateway.

Test Post

Due to the whole crap-service issue with my last host, I had to move our domain This meant moving the blog, and since it is in a database, and I didn't have access to the backend of said database, it's a pain in the watuzi. Anyway, I'm taking the easy way out and using google. Cheers!