Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Blog on the move...

I've moved the blog from to
The link on our main home page ( will take you to the correct spot.


Yeah, so what? My Daddy has strange taste in hats. It's not my fault, after all... Posted by Hello

Here's his latest stunt. He can't pull himself up, but will stand (with support) if we pull him up. Posted by Hello

Dex has been sitting by himself for a couple of weeks, but it's hard to get a photo, cause he tends to lean backwards to look at me. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Chillin' on the sofa with Dad. Posted by Hello

Taken at Sonnenberg Gardens near Honeyoe, NY, here Dex is enjoying a full-on giggle at the sheer hilarity of how Mum's wiggling fingers. Posted by Hello